Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I Love Ash for a lot of reason's but if I could take a picture of what Ash's heart looks like... this would be it! He is a Strong Guy and when times call for strong person he can do the job! I always tell him he is too "hard and callas" but deep down I know he is just the person that Heavenly Father needs him to be.

(This is Ash escorting in the  ambulance the injured officers into Officer Jared Fracom Funeral on Wednesday)

I am so proud to be your wife Ashley! I'll Love you forever - Meg





1 comment:

Stacy said...

Love the pics Megan! I wished you could have snagged the one that was posted one that was at noon on KSL. It was a straight on shot of Ash and the officer. Totally worth framing! It had to have been a very proud moment for him today.